Alice Cheetham started at Rocktime in September to cover Kaylee’s Maternity leave, in general practice with new recruits, we ask them a series of random questions and we share the answers with you.
Find out what the above picture relates to below.
+ What is your current job at Rocktime?: Receptionist/Admin
+ What does being a Receptionist/Admin involve?: I act as the first point of contact for clients, I also cover the phones, filing, mail and keeping supplies stocked up, upload Rocktime blog posts and do a whole range of odd jobs here and there whenever needed.
+ What is on your mouse pad?: It’s a Microsoft Advertising one! I have a feeling it may have come from you guys upstairs somehow!
Yes you can thank Flashlight.
+ Were you named after anyone?: My parents jokingly told me once I was named after Alice from the Archers on BBC Radio 4. What a great way to mentally scar a young child.
Will that be Alice Carter? Described on the site’s Who’s Who as a "thinking young woman” believe that describes you well.
+ What book are you reading?: Nothing at the moment! But I was reading through Air Pilot’s Manual Volume 1 – Flying Training by Trevor Thom earlier in the month whilst swatting up for an interview.
So guess your favourate movie is ‘Airplane’ then, shame your name isn’t Clarence: “We have clearance, Clarence. Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?”
You can listen to the original cockpit conversation here.
+ What was the last CD you bought or downloaded!? Disappear Here by Hybrid
Ok, it is confirmed, you are much cooler than the Flashlight team, who have never heard of Hybrid. Andy Clarke (Tech manager) thinks this is quite shameful, as we have (just) found out he is a big Hybrid fan. To follow the trend we checked Hybrid out and they do sound very interesting indeed. BBC Music referred to Hybrid as the “Underground Mavericks” and say “this a record that will easily appeal to lovers of Starkey’s hook-up with Brighton vocalist Anneka and Bonobo’s collaborations with Andreya Triana; but it should also be investigated by fans of the electro-pop of Roísín Murphy, Pendulum’s crossover cacophonies, and Groove Armada’s more interesting turns”
+ If you had your own boat what would you call it?: The HMS Rubber Ducky
+ What is your favourite sport? : Mountain biking, since that’s pretty much all the sports I do lately, oops.
+ Are you any good at crabbing? : Haven’t done it before, but I do love poking around in rock pools at the beach!
+ What is your favourite kitchen item? : The humble fork, most useful of all kitchen items.
+ If you were a crayon what colour would you be? : A nice shade of green
+ Which do you prefer sushi or a hamburger? : Sushi, if I don’t have to pay for it anyway....
+ What do you do most often when boredom strikes? : Go out for a walk with my dog, find a friend to pester or play around on Xbox live.
We know you have thrashed all the boys in Tech on “Rocktime Call of Duty Hour” are you sure you haven’t been swatting up on CoD too?
+ If you could go on holiday to anywhere in the world where would it be?: Galapagos Islands, that’s my nerdy zoology side talking.
Giant Tortoises –great choice!
+ Do you have a special talent?: I am a fountain of useless knowledge, probably super useful for a pub quiz I bet.
Did you know that less than 5hrs ago it was reported here that “Harvard researchers have confirmed speculations made 65 years ago by author Vladimir Nabokov regarding the evolution of Polyommatus blue butterflies”.
Pub anyone?
Image sourced with thanks from The Crimson article "Nabokov's Butterfly Theories confirmed".
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