Kaylee Bradley started at Rocktime in April, we thought to ask her lots of random questions and share the answers with you. Find out what the above picture relates to below.
+ What is your current job at Rocktime?: Receptionist / Administrator
Welcome on board, sorry it has taken a while to write your intro blog post as you know we have all been busy creating websites, running campaigns etc.
+ What does being a Receptionist/Administrator involve?: Being first point of contact to clients, introducing the company in a friendly professional manner and then obviously all the usual office duties, filing, filing and more filing!! ;-)
And you’re doing a great job too ;) we love having a Kaylee around and sure our clients do too
+ What is on your mouse pad?: mmm would should be on my mouse pad?!
Come upstairs and get an Microsoft Advertising Mouse Pad if you like, pink or blue?
+ What is your current job at Rocktime?: Receptionist / Administrator
Welcome on board, sorry it has taken a while to write your intro blog post as you know we have all been busy creating websites, running campaigns etc.
+ What does being a Receptionist/Administrator involve?: Being first point of contact to clients, introducing the company in a friendly professional manner and then obviously all the usual office duties, filing, filing and more filing!! ;-)
And you’re doing a great job too ;) we love having a Kaylee around and sure our clients do too
+ What is on your mouse pad?: mmm would should be on my mouse pad?!
Come upstairs and get an Microsoft Advertising Mouse Pad if you like, pink or blue?
+ Were you named after anyone? : Yes actually.. My mum named me after a song – Kayleigh by Marillion in 1985!
How lovely hear the track and view the video here:
+ What book are you reading? : Currently my Pregnancy book "What To Expect When Your Expecting"
Can we recommend "How to Afford Time Off with your baby" by Becky Goddard-Hill can be purchased online from Amazon.co.uk or through the Baby Budgeting website. It is also available from Waterstones. Becky the Author of the Blog guest blogged in the Simple VIP Club Blog read her post here:
+ What was the last CD you bought or downloaded!? : Alicia Keys new album.
+ If you had your own boat what would you call it? Ahoy There..!
Nice, you should work in Marketing.
+ What is your favourite sport? : I’m not a keen sportswoman – but I do like swimming and ice skating.
+ Are you any good at crabbing? : Never been but would like to try.
We need to organise this activity down at Poole Quay, will ask for your help next month.
+ What is your favourite kitchen item? : Colander, its great for everything.
+ If you were a crayon what colour would you be? : Neon Pink
+ Which do you prefer sushi or a hamburger? : Hamburger.. Not too keen on fish!
+ What do you do most often when boredom strikes? : FACEBOOK.. or call one of my friends for a random chit chat.
+ If you could go on holiday to anywhere in the world where would it be? : Hawaii – I want to meet the hula hula girls!
The photo above of the Hula Hula girls needs to be credited to Octopushat on Flickr
+ Do you have a special talent? : Drawing & Singing (but they are more secretive talent’s as not many people know!)
Really, maybe we should write a Rocktime rap and create a viral video for YouTube !! Will be in touch ♥
Thanks for the mention of my babybudgeting book and blog...www.babybudgeting.co.uk. very sweet of you x
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