Back in May 2007 technology analyst group Gartner
Building new virtual worlds in the age of social networks such as Facebook may now seem a little antiquated, however we believe that once Facebook users look for something new, then 3D virtual environments will be a progressive step (especially with Teen Market and Adult Gaming Market).
Following on from Second Life's launch back in 2003, we have seen successes with speciality virtual worlds such as; Disney owned Club Penguin and Habbo Hotel; along with more business targeted virtual worlds such as Teleplace; Teen Virtual world Stardoll and recently Rocktropia a virtual world for music lovers.
To stay ahead of developments Rocktime are currently researching:
• Usage patterns of current online virtual worlds
• Involvement by major brands in Virtual worlds / spaces.
(especially in the Teen/Youth Market).
• Rise in web users looking at the web as an entertainment source rather than information resource.
• Computer game usage
• Growth of internet enabled laptops, the Table PC revolution and rise in the easily accessible wireless web
Interestingly a research study launched last week (May 20th) by Edelman (Public Relations Firm), showed that consumers believe social networks provide a higher value experience compared with other forms of entertainment, Edelman's annual Trust in the Entertainment Industry survey, now in its 4th year, also reveals that the Internet, as a source of entertainment, is second only to television.
61% of 18-24 year olds in the UK see social networks as a form of entertainment
56% of 39-49 year olds also considering social networking sites as a form of entertainment.
The study also reveals consumer attitudes towards the exchange of personal information in return for free entertainment.
89% percent of those in the UK say they would not be willing to give up personal information to access free entertainment. Brands should take account of this statistic.
Although at the time Stardoll had a strong USA focus (in relation to the brands on board), we recommended Stardoll the world’s largest online virtual entertainment site for teenagers to Simple back in January 2009 as UK members where listed at over 3 million and engagement levels were high.
Stardoll has begun incorporating the entertainment side with the recent launch of Stardoll TV. We are predicting great success for this Teen World and with the launch of Stardoll TV,
suggest faster growth in terms of engagement. Stardoll is definitely one to watch if you are keen to engage with the Teen market.
We are pleased that Simple are continuing their relationship with Stardoll and are now the official sponsor of Stardoll TV for the first 12 episodes. They will be using Stardoll
TV to contribute to the shows content, engage with a teen audience about the subject of skincare, and also help promote the national Search For A Teen Simple Star campaign
Alex Pike Group Marketing Director at Simple was quoted as saying:
“Stardoll TV is a natural fit for us”,. “We were looking for the right environment to connect our Junior Board with a teen audience in a meaningful way and help ignite our Search For A Teen Simple Star campaign to find our first ever ‘Official Simple Video Blogger’. We decided that Stardoll had the right ingredients of engagement, reach and enterprise to reach teens.”
If you would like to talk to us further about social media & online community developments then please get in touch with Rocktime’s Flashlight team.
In the meantime view a Slide Show of the key points from the the Trust in the Entertainment Industry Survey 2007 - below:
Edelman Social Entertainment &Trust in the Entertainment Industry
View more presentations from Edelman .
Author: Sarah Griffiths
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