With a little help from Power Power and iStock photos, I have created a list on how you can/could/should date your audience. Together with advice on how Rocktime can help you devise a social campaign around your objectives, be it dating (Tweet us @rocktimesocial for advice) or increased website traffic and sales for your business.

- Get a date !! Get a new customer !! Get a new best friend forever !!
and.... - Raise the profile of your product and brand values and be more transparent as a brand
- Announce new, news stories and seed out testimonials
- Promote specific products and services plus review interest (tracking on links)
- Generate leads and enquires for your site
- Build a community of loyal followers and brand ambassadors
- Target additional markets, previously hard to reach
- Promote what makes you extra special
- Increase your social landscape and keep ahead of the competition
Blogging, Podcasting, Video, Microblogging (Twitter, Tumblr), Forums, Review sites, Answer Engines all help facilitate the above objectives. Simply being out there & engaged (not in a "to be married sense") can help you get ahead and keep up with your online and active competitors.
If you align your social activity around specific objectives then you will see a more fruitful return on investment being generated, but as with dating don't be too picky and get to know the social networker first as they could be the one to launch you into Stardom !!
Social networking insights obtained during your social journey can not only help you build on your networks of interaction but can also help you identify new possibilities for future growth, it is all very exciting indeed.
To share your thoughts on social media objectives or to find out more about how you can begin to date your audience give Sarah or a member of our our Sales team at Rocktime a call.
Best wishes and have a lovely Valentines Day x
Author: Sarah Griffiths
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