Since Google+ launched for brands and businesses in November 2011 I have enjoyed thinking about ways we could incorporate Google+ into integrated digital marketing strategies and build a brand presence for our clients. Here are a few things, listed in no particular order, that I like about Google+:
- Hangouts are great for product demos and launches, group chats, document screen sharing and music promotion.
- Google is socialising all its services including search which is why Google+ content shows up in the search results, so great for increasing your search engine presence (Search Engine Optimisation).
- Linking all the Google products like YouTube and Blogger in one Google Account. The new Gmail interface integrates with and even looks similar to Google+.
- Optimised Google Places and My Places location maps, with a special offer and the new map snippets for sharing directions. Images can be geo tagged and found on Google Earth.
- Customisable widgets, RSS feed, social share badges making real time updating relevant.
- Allows animated gifs as well as static images in profile, which integrate with Picasa photo management service.
- The chance to be an influencer and to find influencers in a certain field using the Ripples interactive diagram.
- Great search ability of Google+ accounts, Google Direct Connect, lots of lists of profiles, categories and content related searches to find people of interest.
- Linking Ads with +1 recommendations and being able to +1 images that I like.
- Google+ bringing in location deals and mobile check-ins, which are great for in store promotions linked to Google Maps.
I don’t play games, as I am usually at a live music event but if I did, Google+ has those too.
If you want to find out more about Google+ and how it can benefit your business, please do go back and visit by November Blog, Creating a Google+ Page for your business. Alternatively give our sales team a call, they will be happy to discuss how we can help you further with digital strategy planning.
Author: Fiona Anderson
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